Welsh boxes

Snaking through the valley, between steep sided mountains with rounded tops, the river runs like a silvery ribbon, parallel to the grey road and straight black lines of a railway. All three sandwiched together on the valley floor. Trees, grasses and bushes in a myriad of shades of green cover the valley floor, screening road … More Welsh boxes

An Epic Day

It felt good to be back in such a familiar landscape. A long strip of bright blue sky stretched above the forest ride, flanked by green and browns of the forest on either side. Sunbeams danced through the branches and evergreen needles of the trees; new leaves were beginning to burst on the bushes that … More An Epic Day

We’re back

It had been a while. Home schooling a five year old with a 1 year old running around and into everything, resuming work and settling into doing that from home, all meant lockdown 3 has been a completely different kettle of fish to last year. Except from some limited ringing in the garden we had … More We’re back

Nocturnal delights

The dark night shrouded the countryside like a cloak. A faint glow from the distant town the only chink in the nights armour. Rain pattered against the car windows, which was slowly starting to steam up from the warm bodies within. It is a waiting game. Watching the inky black beyond the windscreen. Waiting. It … More Nocturnal delights

Raptors in the reeds

The reservoir rose above the neighbouring fields, its sloping banks covered waist high grasses, thistles and stinging nettles. The surrounding fields were black, with rich, fertile soil planted with bright green lettuce. Around the edge of this rectangular body of water a broad fringe of reeds sway in a gentle breeze. The leaves were packed … More Raptors in the reeds

Forest Raptors

Golden light filled the evening, bathing the tops of the trees before disappearing into shadows. The cars drove slowly along the farm track following the hedges along the edge of the field. The recent prolonged dry weather meant the sandy track was bone dry and the cars kicked up great plumes of dust that swirled … More Forest Raptors

The Return

The first light of the day filled the air, pushing back the shadows of night. The sky that was revealed was cloudy, a swirl of greys, pale blues and just a hint of pink over the horizon. A slight breeze stirred the leaves on the trees and rustled through the reeds, rippling the water on … More The Return